Frequently Asked Questions:

Friends of Bonita Lakes FAQs

Who are we? We are a network of user group representatives and

individuals who want to preserve and promote Bonita Lakes as a natural

public green space.

Are there membership dues? No. We do accept donations. There are

no requirements for “membership”. Interested persons can stay updated

through the website, Facebook page and/or have their contact on a email

blast group.

What are the donations used for? Promotional material - decals,

banners, T-Shirts, etc.). In the long run, we would like to have funds

available to contribute to improvements to the grounds, trails or facilities. To

have funds available for conservation and protection efforts.

Are there any paid positions? No. We are an all volunteer organization.

Is my donation tax deductible? Not at this time. It is a long term goal to

become a 501c3.

What is the mission of FoBL? To preserve and protect Bonita Lakes and

the surrounding watershed as a natural public green-space to be used for

low-impact recreational and environmental education activities that are

compatible with maintaining the area’s scenic beauty and natural

landscape as it currently exists.

What is the position on development proposals for Bonita Lakes?

The Steering Committee will look at any proposals on a case by case basis

and take action as needed. See Mission Statement.

Who is on the Steering Committee? We are in the early stages of

formation. Individuals who have contributed to this process are:

Nell Covington, Chairperson, Greg Swanson, Treasurer, Peg Wahrendorff, Secretary,

Tim Irvine, Web Master, Nancy Donald, Donna Owen, Duffy Williams, Doug Ishee,

Suzie Pool, Gail Barton, Eddie & Jana Bowles, Stephen Covington, Dale Parker, Dottie

Davidson, Pearl Smith.

Copyright Friends Of Bonita Lakes 2020